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Energy Medicine Sessions

Energy Healing with Megan

The energy healing modality that Megan utilizes, has been evolving over various training modalities over the past fifteen years, weaving in somatic therapy, quantum healing, sound healing and shamanic medicine practices. Megan begins with an intake, followed by reading the client’s energy systems to identify the individual's true nature, path, and gifts while detecting what blocks them from having access to their greatest purpose and fulfilling their potential. These “blockages” can be a result of trauma, wounding, unintegrated self parts, curses, possessing spirits, ancestral burdens and more. After clearing blocked energies, Megan supports the integration of self energy / parts of self (which many include soul retrieval / power retrieval) and re-patterns templates in the realms of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and quantum fields. Megan holds a sacred container of compassion and curiosity while channelling source light and benevolent spirit allies to support the work. Within this sacred space she welcomes all parts of self to be seen, heard, witnessed and supported. Through this work she helps client's remember and reclaim their intuitive gifts and life purpose that is in alignment with their soul’s contract. 



sessions offered


Initial Energy Healing: ($325 - 2hrs)

  • Exploration of current psychological, physiological, and/ or spiritual disturbances and desired outcome for treatment. 

  • Intuitive diagnostic journey or “reading” of the client’s energy bodies 

  • Removal of blocked energies / entities from the client using a variety of cleansing and healing techniques.


Follow-up Sessions: (1hr - $175, 90 mins - $225, 2hrs - $275)

  • Further cleansing/ clearing of energy “blockages” identified in the initial intake, re-patterning of old templates, curse unwinding etc. using the techniques described below. 

  • Support in the healing and harmonizing parts of self, reclaiming personal power, soul revival, accessing intuitive gifts and connection to your soul purpose and path.


Please note: Megan Waddy's client case load is currently full! We have disabled the wait list due to the current length.

If you'd prefer not to wait, you can book a session with

Marnie Roper.

more about the techniques employed in these sessions:


Energetic Diagnostics:

  • A comprehensive assessment of your body, mind, spirit, and energy fields to identify areas where trauma, distortions, genetic miasms, implants, seals, contracts, soul agreements, unhealed past lives, ancestral burdens, curses, or possessing spirits may be preventing you from connecting with your true essence.

  • Gain insight and awareness into your personal bindings, triggers, energetic hooks, and leaks. This includes unresolved traumas from this life or past lives, genetic patterns affecting your present, spirit gate leaks, and repetitive patterns that feel beyond your control, as well as the underlying structures and configurations that sustain them.

  • Communicate with your Higher Self, spirit guides, and well ancestors to receive guidance and support throughout the healing process.


Quantum Alchemization:

  • Working with quantum bio-energetics, remove non-self energies and programs from the body and energy field.

  • Transform and heal trauma, programming, and conditioning that may stem from various sources, including childhood, societal influences, past lives, ancestral lines, religious or systemic conditioning, as well as emotional, spiritual, psychic, and interdimensional or extraterrestrial experiences.

  • After these distortions are alchemized, your system is harmonized and attuned by re-templating the nervous system, DNA, cells, and bioenergetic fields, reconnecting you with your original divine organic blueprint, higher self and Mother/Father God source. This process restores your connection to your true self and supports your overall well-being.


Ancestral lineage healing: During a session, one ancestral line is chosen to work with, and the client is guided to connect with a compassionate, benevolent, well ancestor. During these sessions, the client has the opportunity to witness the healing of an entire lineage and reclaim the gifts and medicine of their blood and bones. When ancestral lines are healthy, they become a powerful foundation for support and resources. When they are unhealthy, they can be a source of systemic issues including physical, mental and emotional illness and addiction.

Soul retrieval:  Trauma (whether from an acute physical or psychological event or accumulated over one's lifetime) can cause part of a person’s essence to leave their body. This mechanism, similar to the concept of dissociation in psychology, is generally an attempt by the body to protect itself from the psychological and emotional impact of the trauma. However, over time, this can produce symptoms/syndromes such as dissociative tendencies, post-traumatic stress, chronic illness, addictive behaviors, feeling empty inside, inability to access creative potential, loss of personal power, and persistent emotional states such as anxiety and depression that are unresponsive to treatment. The intention of a soul retrieval is to re-associate and bring healing to these aspects of self.

Curse and thought-form unravelling: A curse or thought-form is a stuck energetic pattern that is having negative effects in life. Curses and thought-forms can be intentional or unintentional. They can be transmitted this lifetime, as well as through ancestral lineages and past lives. Through a diagnostic journey, the source and intention of the curse is discovered and unravelled. Once the curse or thought form is fully unravelled, the client’s energy fields and spirit gates are cleaned and aligned, allowing inner light/ true self essence to reinhabit the body.

Star Seed Attunements: These energy healing sessions support Star Seeds, Light Workers, Indigos and Empaths to drop into deeper connection and communion with the benevolent, compassionate celestial channels from which they originated. The client’s compassionate stellar families are called upon and channelled through quantum energy medicine and light language to assist in clearing, healing, and rejuvenating all aspects of the person's being - throughout all timelines and dimensions. Working in alignment with the soul’s original divine organic blueprint, these sessions help to reset the energy body, light body, electromagnetic body and auric field while clearing trauma, programming and conditioning from this life time, past lives, family constellations, ancestral burdens and the false matrix. After clearing and transmuting energies that no longer serve, the individual may receive: DNA upgrades, mission upgrades, activations and attunements, reading of soul contacts and Akashic records, soul retrieval and power retrieval. The individual is then attuned to their inner source energy / true self essence, as well as upgrades to the quantum field blueprints. The client will emerge attuned to their clear and protective channels and portals between Earth and Star. 

Compassionate Depossession: This is a compassionate method for safely and effectively removing possessing spirits from the body, and assisting these spirits to safely cross into a place where they belong and can do no harm to other living beings. Possessing spirits attach to their hosts for numerous reasons and can cause emotional, physical and psychological issues. The compassionate depossession process helps the client to differentiate between themselves and the spirit and receive healing and resolution. After the possessing spirit has been cleared, the client’s energy fields and spirit gates are cleaned and aligned. The inner light / true self essence of the client is then supported to fill all parts of the body, reclaiming any previously occupied space. 


For Energy Healing with Marnie see "Counselling"


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