A nootropic blend of the most well-researched mushrooms along with cacao for enhancing brain and overall body wellness.

Experience the full-spectrum benefits of five powerful medicinal mushroom allies. We have blended the most well-researched and medicinal members of the fungi community is a fantastic all-round tonic for fortifying, nourishing, and protecting the body's vital energy while improving functions at the cellular, tissue, organ, and system levels.

We love to pair our 5 Mushroom Blend with Cacao - a superfood on its own - with incredible health benefits due to the density of anti-oxidants, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and copper.
12 oz Milk of Choice
2 tbsp of Cacao Powder
¼ tsp Vanilla Extract
¼ tsp True Cinnamon
Sprinkle of Sea Salt
*Sweeten to taste with Maple Syrup or Honey (approximately 1 tbsp)
Optional Additions or Substitutions
Use 1/2 milk and 1/2 water as the base
Use 1/2 milk and 1/2 herbal infusion as the base (We like using our Deep Roots Tea, or Nourished Nerves Tea)
Add in bone broth, butter or ghee, cacao butter, nut butter, or coconut oil
Other spices pair nicely well, such as ginger, cardamom and cloves, or cayenne.
Rose petals or Rose tincture (We love our Triple Rose Elixir) are lovely additions as well!
Warm your milk of choice in a pot. Whisk in your ingredients, and add to blender. Blend until smooth and frothy. Enjoy!